Sounds like I misremembered it being one line, but I’m absolutely sure it had an indicator that it was paid from a pot, which is an improvement on the current state.
I’m not suggesting anything should be skipped or hidden. I’m suggesting that rather than saying the bill payment went to ‘current account’ and then having to go into current account to see which bill it paid, it should tell me where the payment went. I know Monzo has this information, because it’s listed right there in the Manage tab, under ‘Paid from Pot’. It absolutely would tally, and it would be a much more accurate ledger given the entire point of paying from pot (from a user perspective, not from a technical perspective) is for me to pay bills, not for me to pay myself within my current account. Otherwise I may as well just have a separate account. The feed as it stands provides me with no useful information at all.