Spend and pay in limits for new current account

I’m just waiting for my new card and am really hoping to use the new current account ( when up and running) as my main account… 2 questions
Will the account be Abel to be a join account? And will there be a monthly/ yearly limit that can be paid in ?? We will be paying in around £90.0000 a year


Not when the current accounts first launch but they’re in Monzo’s plans -

We know that the limits will be higher but not what they’ll be yet. For what it’s worth, a limit on the amount that a user can deposit into their bank account would seem quite strange to me, whereas it does make sense for a prepaid card account that doesn’t have FSCS protection, can’t have money transferred out of it etc.


Hi Paula,

@alexs has created a brilliant guide/wiki on the info we know about the current accounts so far, here’s the link so you can browse at your leisure. It’s regularly updated when more details are announced.


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