Joined back with Monzo (so happy too) but has anyone else noticed they have a new sort code. The usual one we all know is 04 00 04. However the new sort code on newer accounts is 04 00 03. Bear in mind some companies haven’t updated their systems so may say this is incorrect, however it is on the UK Sort Code Checker system and does work, the companies who question the authenticity just need to update their systems.
The only sort codes available to the public at present are 04-00-04 and 04-00-03 (as we’ve exhausted the account numbers available on 04).
The other sort codes are mostly used for testing and stuff
messages from the same thread but the bottom reply is from staff member the sort code does exist , but if your account with monzo is 04-00-04 on your card details it should say that on your payment details