Snow Patrol


There is probably more snow today than this town has seen in the last 40 years combined.

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To make matters worse, my boiler has given up due to frozen pipe. Tried wrapping with a warm towel but just refreezes again!

I feel your pain so much. So so much. We were without a boiler for about 36 hours because it died screaming. (it also woke me up after four hours sleep…)

LAYERS. So many layers.

A nearby building had their water main pipes explode during the night, they’ve now got a beautiful waterfall but presumably no water pressure. :fountain:

I’m worried my place will be next. :joy:

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Im under so many layers already right now. Gonna be a romantic night cuddling with a hot water bottle I think


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Snow is terrible and I hate it.




This was at 6am this morning … the only thing that’s changed, is it’s less white.



Hasn’t stopped snowing all day
Blowing a real gale now

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Pipes have been defrosted and wrapped with an oil heater next to boiler. Heating back on!



Just changed the car battery of a colleague to save them the stupid labor cost from a garage!

All this snow (coldness) killed the dying old battery he had :stuck_out_tongue: What a fun way to kill 5 minutes :snowman:

I haven’t had much sun recently on my solar shed, so I’ve had to keep an eye on the battery charge levels. When the charge drops they freeze easier and it tends to warp the plates or split the casing :frowning:

I don’t think my brother put anti-freeze in the car he left on my parents drive :expressionless: hopefully it survives! The car I left there shouldn’t freeze up, the battery might not be very happy though, it’s been sat there for over a month…


I think Mazda might’ve been a bit weak on the anti-freeze content of my screenwash… :frowning:

The tank is full but completely frozen! Not had that happen to a car before, last time I’ll trust the service dept to do something right :joy: I thought it’d be a breeze to let them fill it up, timed it just right but lesson learned :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh no! You’d think they’d at least get it right, did they just put water in and charge you for screenwash? :stuck_out_tongue:

I used Tesco’s cheap stuff in a 50/50 mix with water and that froze up too :frowning: Not much use at the moment anyway, can’t drive either of my cars in the snow very well due to hills and rear wheel drive…

I don’t trust mechanics to do this. I once was charged what I thought was too much for them to fill the screen wash as part of a service. So next time, I filled it up myself, before the service. Guess what? They still charged me (or at least tried to).

Stirling, Central Scotland. On the plus side, 2 days off work!



That’s why I try and avoid places like QuickFit*. If an MOT is down to £25, its costing them money, so they’re going to claw it back somehow.

I don’t know what i’ll do if I ever move house, it’s taken me 10 years to find a local garage & MOT place I can trust!

I once had a garage charge me £500 for a clutch change on a Vauxhall Vectra, a week later it broke and the gearbox went with it. I tried hard to get them to fix or or some money back, never got anywhere though. I was just left with a scrap car :frowning:

* Other rip off garages are available, individual experiences may vary


I’ve got a handful of mechanical experience with cars so I tend to do a much work as I can (to save money basically) and I’ve gotten by like that for a few years now - new cars tend to be less prone to breaking anyway :wink: but something as silly as messing up screen wash is just daft considering how little it must cost a garage to do it properly!!

What’s the world come to :joy:

Yeah, although while I found new cars tend to break less, the parts are ridiculous due to being all electronic.

Take the 2010ish BMW for example. Rear lights apart from the brake lights are made of of irreplaceable LED clusters. 12 for each rear indicator. If 1 fails, the entire light unit has to be replaced. I’ve tried cracking apart the lens and fixing the bad LED but it just breaks again within a few weeks.

Replacement part at a garage these days? Nearly £200. replacement from somewhere in Europe? Still £80.

All because 1 LED in a cluster died and it makes the on-board computer panic and constantly make noises/warnings at you…

I think that’s why BMW drivers don’t indicate, they are too expensive to replace :joy:


Quote of the day right there!! :joy::joy::joy:

I bet there’s a lot of frozen ‘blinker-fluid’ today too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: