People, Monzonauts, Forum Familia… We have a super cool sneak peek for y’all.
One of the most requested Monzo features ever. A HUGE milestone in feature parity. Literally something that’s been on the agenda ever since I started here some 18 months ago, when we first launched our app on Android.
MASSIVE, MASSIVE shoutout to our Product Team, our Android devs, and everyone that’s worked super hard on this, and our upcoming Spending revamp in general. As a Pixel 2 XL user, I’m amped!
More details to come very soon, including launch date…!!!
It would be good to have the targets like a speedo or clock with the arm going further and further round until you reach your target at 12:00 … A kind of pie chart if you like
This is amazing. But sadly I’ll still be using YNAB I was hoping that a YNABesque way of budgeting would be happening. Setting targets isn’t a lot of use to me sadly, what if I set myself targets then don’t get the income to meet those targets and end up overspending…
I love it I really do, but I can’t replace YNAB with this
In the same boat with YOLT and Emma. They are nothing in comparison to YNAB
(Again, yolt is just targets. Not helpful at all - in YNAB you are just budgeting the money that you actually have to spend)
And it really isn’t a chore. YNAB thrive on the fact that they actually make budgeting fun. And believe me. It is
Manual sync is actually better IMO. You have more understanding rather than worrying that something hasn’t synced correctly. It forces you to think about every transaction rather than thinking ahh I’m sure it’s all good, I can’t be bothered today
This makes complete sense. I was thinking this earlier today actually, that maybe I only see issues because I have a YNAB mindset. Whereas if I didn’t budget before, targets would be an amazing thing.
Sadly it’s not just about wanting to actively budget either. I HAVE to. Otherwise I would be totally stuffed.
For people who don’t have to worry about where every penny is going, I can see YNAB being a bit over the top
I’m curious, so apologies if this question is nosy or inappropriate; but how does the fact that there’s a monthly charge for YNAB tally with worrying about where every penny is going? It’s one of the things that puts me off using it, spending money to save money.
I’ve seen people say that it works so well that they save so much money it’s well worth it.
I just use a double entry book keeping approach with pen and paper