Smart thermostats - any recommendations?

Unless you have a hot water tank and then you need the wireless receiver, which needs wiring in just like the Nest heat link.

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Yes, the thermostat is the easy bit :slight_smile:


Itā€™s not rocket science though, Iā€™m no expert, just followed a YouTube video.

I think the thing with it is the confidence to do it vs the safety of knowing someone else has done it. Sometimes itā€™s worth paying for the peace of mind.


I hope you took the time to label them :smile:

Usually when I switch a thermostat though, I just look at the old one before I take it off and put the wires in the same ports on the new one?

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Yes, which is why it was easy to remove the heat link and replace it with the Hive backplate :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have these danfoss thermostats that link to the combi-boiler, they just do the call-for-heat with a light bit of scheduling logic.

Whenever I look for smart thermostats I find it confusing how I would replace these ones, e.g. the google nest seems to come with some ā€œheat linkā€ device that you need to wire into the boiler. I think the Hive is the same. I have 2 thermostats in the house for different heating zones.

Are there any smart thermostats that donā€™t require some boiler wiring job and you can just replace the existing ones with the smart ones (i.e. use the same wires, just a quick swap over?)

If you have a normal twisty oldschool thermostat then Tado will do exactly as you wish.

That is the exact thermostat that I replaced with Tado.

You need the Tado wired kit, not the wireless one. Oh and the Danfoss backplate has the terminals labelled, so replacing it with Tado is super simple.


Oh neat not heard of these before, thanks!

I wonder why Nest decided to go down the heat-link route for the European market, the US ones just wire into the HVAC wiring like a normal thermostat

The majority of UK customers only have ā€˜heatā€™, whereas US customers have AC/heat - so the US product and the UK product differed. US Nest installs can heat & cool. UK Nest installs can only heat. At least as at 2014 when I installed my original Nest learning thermo.

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Makes sense, but it still feels like they could offer a product that is similar where you just attach the wires into the back of the unit, similar to the US version but just for heating.

I suspect the reason is because there are so many different standards across the EU/UK and the heat link is designed to accommodate all of them, but even so, a heatlink-less version would be nice.

Iā€™m looking into this Tado product now, it seems to fit the bill!

I forgot to add that we also have two zones so we had two Danfoss thermostats. Youā€™ll need two Tado wired thermostats for the swap, but youā€™ll be able to control everything from the Tado app rather than having two independent thermostats to manage.

We have the radiator valves too, which I would recommend, but having the thermostats-only is a good starting point.

Also worth mentioning that aside from the Black Friday deals, Tado sell refurbs on their website which are basically as good as buying new.


I have gone with Tado, which i was very fortunate to get free from my OVO energy supplier.
Would highly recommend


Iā€™m not very good with things like this sooo :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ve been thinking about replacing our Honeywell smart thermostat which is pretty useless - the app is unreliable and pretty featureless. It doesnā€™t learn and because I work from home but donā€™t always want the heating on - the geofence is pretty pointless.

How easy is it to swap out an existing wireless thermostat with something like Tado (which seems to generally be the most preferred in this thread!)

Pretty easy. We had some rubbish wireless thing when we moved so I replaced it with Tado. We had Tado previously but not the wireless part.Ā°-Starter-Kit-Thermostat-Programmer/dp/B098BKHT3R?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1

One bit connects to the boiler, the slim part to your router and the thermostat goes wherever you please.

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Anyone with experience with Heatmiser NeoStat?

Iā€™m looking for HomeKit enabled thermostat, modern looking.

I have the Honeywell T6R I bought second hand on eBay. Had a professional installer as Iā€™m not confident doing it myself

However, itā€™s very modern looking, and it was only 60 quid

They also do a hardwired version

The only issue with it is You canā€™t get those Honeywell individual TRVs For the radiators As it doesnā€™t support it

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Tado works well and easy to setup.


I also have a Tado. I agree it works well, but I do find it quite annoying that they charge for in-app analytics via their energy IQ feature (which I think is between Ā£3 to Ā£4 per month depending on when you started subscribing).

Am curious how other manufacturers approach this? Do they charge for in-app analytics, or is it available for free?

The energy IQ feature that I particularly like is the consumption graph comparing current month with prior month and with same month in the previous year: What does Energy IQ show me? | Help Center

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I submit to you, the fact that your energy supplier gives you this, well, Octopus do, why would I want to pay for this? unless it updates every 10 seconds or so