I’ve been using Mondo for a couple of weeks now and I love it for its simplicity.
I’ve also been on the look-out for a simple wallet but couldn’t find anything minimalistic enough so tonight I stitched my own hacky wallet into existence and funny enough the colours work well with my new Mondo card
Thos are all nice. Since I now only carry 3 cards this wallet is now around 4mm thick so you barely notice it in your pocket. Once Mondo comes out of beta I’ll only need to carry 2 cards around
That is the world’s smallest wallet. I’m too embarrassed
to show you mine. It’s these pesky store point cards…
Boots, Nandos, Superdrug… Where do you keep yours!
I’ve looked at this stocard app a few times however with so many shops still having old scanners that can’t “see” phone screens do you often have issues using this?
I’ve just ‘backed’ a ‘slimmy’ wallet. It has no ended on Indigogo, but you can find out more about it here if anyone else is interested. I carry way too many cards with me, and my current wallet is too full for my liking. Hopefully when my new one turns up I will be able to throw out some cards that haven’t seen the light of day for a few years!!
Exciting stuff. I guess it only needs the long code nowadays for police use. Will be interesting to see if it’ll still be accepted as proof of age ID in that form or what happens there as it’s trivially easy and free to counterfeit at scale without a server check.
With that gone, my wallet would just be left with an NUS card (will drop when it expires), a Railcard (dreading the day I have to give that up), a Japanese e-money and transit card (no, I don’t know either), my arcade game profile card, some emergency cash notes, a front door key and my two main payment cards (the card currently known as Mondo and Barclays).
Hopefully in the next few years I’ll be down to just two or three cards that are only for places that still don’t support high value Apple Pay/Android Pay/etc. and a backup key/cash combo!