Should I Go Back To Dentist?

My dentist is closed for the weekend, hence why im asking on here…

Had a checkup last month and after doing two x-rays was told I have a cavity and he recommended getting a filling, which I had yesterday.

After close inspection there is a small brown crack on one of my other teeth ( on the side of it ) , I’m considering going back to get it checked out, however surely if it was a concern he would have noticed it ?

He mentioned the word " Watch " twice whilst doing my check up last month. Not sure whether to leave it until my next check up or go in asap to get it checked ? Thanks

You should be alright, they’d have spotted it if it needed doing.

Teeth can have little indents in the top and side of them that stain a little due to your diet, this doesn’t mean they’re particularly bad or rotten, it’s a natural part of the tooth aging. They will eventually need filling, but a good dentist should avoid drilling for drillings sake, especially in younger folk, as it will start a chain of needing fillings replacing every 3-5 years.

Source: I asked the question two weeks ago at my dentist because I thought I had two holes!

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Thanks dude thats all I needed to know

Means your tooth is cracked and gonna fall apart on 19th July 2019 at 12:19



Agree you should be fine as the X-rays would have shown anything.

Intriguingly had a situation where I was told by my dentist at the time I needed a filing, (had had about four visits to the dentist at that point and each time had been told I needed work). Will never know why, but I decided to get a second opinion at another dentist and the check up came back all clear. I had a third check somewhere else that was also clear. That was 7 years ago and I haven’t needed another filling since.

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If the dentist is closed until Monday there’s nothing you can do anyway. Just wait until then and ask for their professional opinion.

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Will do, guessing i’ll have to wait a week or so to get an appointment though :frowning:

If you speak to them I’m sure they’ll prioritise accordingly.

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All booked in for two weeks, hopefully it’s ok .
After a bit of research i’ve narrowed it down to a " craze line " which is a harmless indent in a tooth which has been darkened by food

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According to my dentist mate, the best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth is to sign up to denplan :wink:

According to my dentist mate, the best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth is to get dentures :wink:

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According to my dentist mate, the best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth is to tell him someone on the Monzo Community advised me on the best treatment :wink:


According to my dentist mate, the best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth is to just do what they say on the TV and use Sensodyne :wink:

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According to my dentist mate, the best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth is to not visit the dentist.


According to my dentist mate, the best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth is to be your own dentist :wink:

Best way to ensure your dentist avoids doing work on your teeth? Get them all pulled early doors. Falsies 4 lyfe.

(But, you, maybe don’t actually do that.)

Wish I’d looked after my teeth better when I was younger. I’ve got more metal in my mouth than Robocop. Lifestyle change that had the biggest effect? Switching out real Coke for diet Coke and then Coke Zero. Number of brand-new fillings has gone down massively since I did that. But I’m throughly trapped in a the fillings wearing out/shifting/breaking slightly cycle now, and I wish I wasn’t.

tl;dr, no (hypothetical) kids of mine are getting sugary drinks. Artificial sweeteners all the way.

Good job I went back, it needed a filling !
Now waiting for the anaesthetic to wear off