Shared Tabs for non Monzo users and couples

Hello, my friends and I were really excited about Monzo Shared Tabs until we tried it tonight for a meal.

8 friends, 2 of which are paying on behalf of their partners (which aren’t on Monzo)

We had to abandon Shared Tabs and opted for split bill where you can add generic users (Friend 1, Friend 2 etc.) then they doubled what was owed to account for their partner.

It would be great if there was a mechanism that accounted for couples in a more seamleas fashion. For example:

  • 10 friends
  • 2 are couples
  • £100 bill
  • Friend 1 and Friend 2 are couples, the rest are paying for themselves.
  • Friend 1 and 2 owe £20 each
  • Rest of group owe £10

Unsure on the ideal UI for this, but the plus/minus approach is really awkward when working things out this way.

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