It would be really nice if we could collect and send items like expenses from our spending list with the receipts attached as well. I am using Concur for my company expenses and sending receipts via e-mail creates automatically items in Concur which I can then attach to my report and claim for it … Thanks Monzo
I raised a similar point in Exporting spending data on Android
I think we have to accept getting the apps features needed to operate as a full bank will need to take priority for the next few months. Hopefully after that, some of these nice additional features will follow.
It will definitely be possible to automatically export expenses to Concur but perhaps not quite in the way you’ve described…
Once Monzo’s API is ready, Concur or a 3rd party developer should be able to build an integration with Monzo (without Monzo needing to be involved) just like Uber’s Concur integration.
So your expenses & receipts would be pulled into Concur automatically, as soon as they hit your transaction feed or you attach a receipt to them, which would mean that you could completely skip the email step.
To give you some sense of what that looks like, in this developer’s project, his company’s expenses are automatically uploaded into his expense management system. It looks like that would save a lot of time!
Regarding Concur integration. Has anyone approached Concur to develop such an integration with Monzo API? If not, I’ll happily approach them. Incidently their HQ is in my home town…
Unless this is something the new Head of Partnerships wants to pursue (which seems unlikely, given the number of providers there are for their type of service), I expect this will work the other way around & Concur will be able to develop their integration with Monzo, once the API is ready.
So I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt if you let them know that you’re keen for them to integrate, to get / keep Monzo on their radar