Send Money in Android

Just tested the Send Money function in Android and it asks for amount and a message and then after it goes to a page saying What is it for? but there seem to be no options to select and if you click on it to try and enter text it just goes straight to the main statement/ledger screen

Presumably you’re sending it to a fellow :monzo: user?

Have you tried sending to another person? :slight_smile:
(I’ve been unsuccessful with recruiting other users so far… So I can’t see if it works for me :confused:)

Yes, sending it to other Monzo users.

I was a user subjected to @anon44204028’s test. I send back 5p and I could associate it with category just fine.
Every day I pay Sue for the lovely sandwiches I successfully put it under category.
Overall - it works, I just don’t know why it doesn’t work for @anon44204028 or what exactly is bugged. :wink:

Maybe (a) my OS version 6.0.1 or (b) mobile model Samsung SM-J500FN ?

I downgraded beta back to stable release and still no problems, I tagged sent money with category just fine.
Android 6.0.1 as well.

None of the coloured buttons showing (have closed and reopened app and rebooted phone)

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Hi Richard, that doesn’t look right :thinking: I suspect it’s an issue that only happens on some specific devices. We’ll have a look and see if we can reproduce it. Thanks for letting us know :slightly_smiling_face: