See your current currency

I think a great feature for the app, especially for travelling would be a way of viewing the funds currently in your account in whichever currency you like.

Say you are only planning on using your Monzo card abroad, it would be handy to see your total funds in a local currency rather than trying to convert it yourself.

Better still, this feature could be applied to pots, so if you need to set aside funds for holiday and travel spends, you can see how much you’ve saved in the currency you will need!

For example, you could have a pot called ‘Holiday Spends’ for your holiday to Greece, and rather than showing that you’ve saved £100 it would show you how much you have saved in euros!:raised_hands:t3:

Great idea! The only issue I can think of is how much the exchange rate fluctuates :confused: your balance would be constantly changing. Especially since a purchase uses the exchange rate when it’s finished pending a few days later rather than at the time of authorisation.
Maybe some sort of calculator or estimation based off the past few days rate would be good?

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Its excellent these niche traveller ideas for the app but I want everyday features for current account use in the UK to be expanded before features like this are created for times I may go abroad in the future.