Second Monzo Accounts

Hi There,

This may be something thats already been addressed, but I don’t recall seeing it anywhere…

Could we have the ability to have more than 1 monzo account? :innocent:

I’d love to move the management of my club account over to monzo for the ease of use… especially once the scan to deposit cheques feature arrives! In addition the monzo me pay pages would make taking fees super simple.

I suppose a question joint with that would be; can we have treasurer accounts?

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Don’t think it’s allowed to use monzo for business use currently :frowning:


Just personal current accounts at present I’m afraid.

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I would love one for my 4-year-old daughter so she can use it for pocket money. I don’t want to use cards like goHenry etc and think Monzo could do better.

Yeah thats what I figured.

Would certainly be nice to see a wider offering of account types at some point!