Hard to tell as the post has a lot of other stuff coming out, but I can’t see any transaction in the pot, or in the main account, presuming that this works as other “pay from pot” where money is transferred from pot into account first (which you can see).
From what I’ve seen so far, it’s been set-up correctly. I have plenty of (Joint account) scheduled payments set up to be paid from the Bills pot and the transfer of the amounts from the BP to the main account just before the debit is taken from the main account has never failed.
The uninstall/restart/reinstall procedure would be my next suggestion.
As an FYI all my direct debits and subscriptions using a virtual card all pay from the pot as expected. Its just if I manually setup a scheduled payment.
I have had the same issue here. Monzo tried to take SO from my main balance every time even though I have set the SO to come from my pot and there is enough money in the pot.
Have tried archiving the pot, restarting the SO, and deleting and reinstalling Monzo and still doesn’t work.
I had a similar problem this month - scheduled payment from my main account to my Monzo joint account to pay from my “bills” pot. Plenty of funds in pot, scheduled payment listed as paying from “bills” pot; on the day, money transfers from my main account, leaving pot balance as is.
I spoke to Monzo chat as it seems like a clear bug. They said they’re aware and “actively working on it”. They said it’s because it’s setup as a “P2P payment, rather than a standing order”, which they said currently doesn’t work. So to fix they’ve suggested I set it up again, this time using the joint account sort code and account number to make a true standing order, and that should work. Bit of a pain, and definitely misleading as it looks like it’s all set up and ready to go, I only found out when i went into my overdraft.