Santander Chat ♨️

I agree with the applying of markers, but in this instance there is no marker. This is just a bank assessing the whole picture and making a business decision. It’s no different to when Monzo declines an account and we just tell the person that it’s within their rights to do so.

I don’t know what their credit report is like, so I can only go off what they tell us. But if there was a previous marker added then removed, there may be an internal history that isn’t official but all banks will have anyway. If they then see a few bank account openings recently, coupled with the fact they accepted a basic bank account (designed for those who cannot open any other bank accounts) then perhaps they felt there was a risk and closed the account, knowing they weren’t leaving them bankless and therefore not breaking any regulations.


Had an update for the app yesterday and there’s been an advert for one of their products above my accounts on every launch since.

I’m pretty sure I’d seen some before but not often. At least they’re relatively small and can be dismissed.

Given that two banks refuse to do any business with them, this heavily implies that having had a marker in the past is preventing them from accessing banking facilities, at least with some providers.

The marker, even though removed, is impacting their ability to open accounts and this should never happen.

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Make it three sadly :frowning:

Lloyds Banking Group (Halifax, Lloyds and Bank of Scotland)

So effectively 5 banks that I get a straight up no from even for a basic account. I do get what you mean @coffeemadman about having more than 1 basic account but the terms normally state they can close it if you open another account after it was opened not before.

Santander states you cannot hold another account in order to open one.

I’m not suggesting this is fair, I just think that banks are free to decide who they deal with. You’re not bankless so nobody is leaving you unable to access banking at this stage.

Some banks are just odd. I cannot and never have been able to open a First Direct account and HSBC have a long history of just offering me a basic account. No other banks have issue with me and I never have had a marker on my record, removed or otherwise.

By luck. But if banks are free to choose who they provide accounts to, and every bank decides that someone with a past Cifas marker (even if incorrectly applied and now removed) is too much risk, then innocent people are being punished by overzealous processes.

I don’t see how anyone can argue that this is right.

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I’m not arguing it’s right, I’m arguing what it is.

A basic bank account is designed by government to be, for all intents and purposes, always able to be open with a few major banks providing no other account is open. If an account is open, they are not obligated to open one and thus not bankless. It’s by design.

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Did you manage to get the Cashminder?

Is this a new thing? I’ve had the 123-Lite account for years and have never seen this sort of notification before

I’ve had them for ages. I’ve found them to be totally useless, but not yet annoying enough to find out how to turn them off.

My NHS pension arrives every month showing the amount of tax deducted in the comments. Every month Santander tells me that I have a tax payment of £x,xxx.xx.

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