Not sure how far off this blog post is, but something I’ve noticed is that Monzo doesn’t seem to be posting salaries on all job roles anymore? Maybe it’s just coincidence that all the ones I ever looked at, had a salary, but I saw this on LinkedIn
Data and memes gives me two big ticks (In reality, I’m woefully under qualified, but anyway I went to look…) and there’s no sign of the salary on the job spec.
People know their self worth, so when it comes down to figures they are within power to negotiate.
I’ve asked before about jobs not having salary included in the ad and the above is why it isn’t - because they want the job not just the pay grade. (Not referring to Monzo).
I agree a visible job salary range can make or break an advert, plus people don’t want to waste their time on an amazing interview and it turns out the salary range is lower than another companies that the applicant decied to possibly snub their current interview for.
Yup. Get you in, waste enough of your time that you can’t pursue other opportunities, quids in. It’s one of the reasons I’m a contractor; the deal is open and obvious and negotiated up-front. The way that salaries / overall compensation are negotiated are really punitive towards the candidate. It’s a disease.
Firmly of the belief that publishing wage ranges for job postings should be a legal requirement.
Aside from it being generally bad for all workers, there’s a pretty substantial body of research that shows job postings with no wage listed result in lower wages for women and ethnic minorities.
Thanks for the feedback regarding the salary for a position being included in job listings. I’ve made sure to pass this on internally and if we’ve got any updates to share - I’ll make sure to start a separate Topic to discuss
Just to bring this Topic back on track - we’ve had two blogs come out recently which may be of interested to the Community:
Plus I know @jenwilkinson and the team are so excited by the current suggestions - so please keep them coming
I don’t really have an idea for a blog post, but can I ask that you bring back an rss feed for the blog. There used to be one, but it went away a few years ago. Alternatively, please provide a way to subscribe to the blog via email.