Redesign cards

I know that the coral colour is signature to monzo and I respect that but…… it’s a horrible colour !!! I loved the blue card and metal card that was available before the newest perks update.
Is there any way monzo could come up with potential colour customisations that customers could choose themselves. Even the virtual cards colour combinations look amazing compared to having coral.
Having a coral, holo coral and burnt coral card is wayyyyy too much coral !!

Also side note! MONZO DO MERCH AGAIN !!! I loved the jogging bottoms that were available agesss ago !!


Never going to happen.


I agree. After upgrading to Max I am disappointed with the coral card. I was expecting a metal card like on the plus.

We need to have a choice & get metal cards for Max.

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It tells you before you upgrade what card you’re getting - no mention of metal = no metal.


I understand that but it should be a option or at least something you get for paying more with Monzo Max!

You never paid for the card previously, you paid for the benefits.

I get your point, but Max isn’t about what card you get with the package you pay for.

K revels.

I agree. Making the other options essentially just other variants of coral made them dead on arrival for me. Even if there was something there to justify them for me, the card options would have remained a turn off.

Why oh why couldn’t the holographic blue card stick around as an option for perks? :sob:

Hoping they go back to the drawing board again soon.

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I know it’s about the benefits, but I am just saying that with paying the extra for max it would be great to have an exclusive card to go with the Max.

Coral is Monzo’s brand colour, and they are (I think rightly) embracing it. It would be like asking Starbucks to change from green.

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Although banks have offered a range of colours for their cards in the past, such as Virgin Money, so I don’t think it’s an unreasonable ask. Monzo may, or may not, choose to act on it (probably won’t given the recent issue of the new cards). When I signed up to Starbucks many years back, they also had a huge choice of designs for their cards!

Starbucks’ business isn’t cards though. Their cups are very much a set design bar some holiday specials.

Very few banks and very far between. Most are quite protective of their set colours given that it’s the most recogniseable part of their brand identity in the everyday world.

You see a pink card you know it’s Monzo. Likewise if you see a blue one, it’ll be Barclays.

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If we run with the Starbucks analogy, their card is in effect their cup. Their cup is not green.

Brand colours are an important part of the identity, yes. Doesn’t mean it has to be used for everything. Otherwise every Apple product ever would only come in white and silver.


I think when it comes to redesigning cards it should be voted for by the customers of what designs people like. Unfortunately the designs are basic and poor in my opinion. I’ve seen better mock ups by Monzo fans than the company itself. Having a vertical card would be amazing, as well as something premium looking if you’re going to pay a premium price for the account…. Not just a burnt orange with a logo that has abit of holo on it.

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That’s how you end up with Boaty McBoatface.


I like these… it’s classy.


The joint one is kinda cool, not sure about the black/coral though.

Even this looks nice if it was vertical and was tidied up abit.

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Hot Coral is the brand, it’s core to the brand awareness, and it’s for the birds that it’ll go anywhere soon


I see both sides of this

In Fairness you did used to, the metal card was a ‘perk’ in that you could only get this if you got Premium. However you are now getting more with Monzo Max in terms of the offering, so there’s that

Technically you did, it was part of the ‘benefits’ of premium

Well it is, except that it’s not metal. You only get the burnt coral if you pay for Max.

They were very clear *(Monzo) why it wasn’t - but you never know, they did bring airport lounge access back in, so never say never

More than likely true, but I don’t think it’s possible to completely rule it out at some point in the far future.


Nationwide called, they’d like their card back.

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