It may be worthwhile taking a look at this thread
Hey everyone, thanks for all your feedback so far on us bringing Pulse to Android .
We’ve noticed that some of the same questions keep coming up. So @tas and @vuokko from the design and Android engineering teams will be here for the next week to answer them
Drop your questions below, and we’ll get them answered. They can be about Pulse specifically, but if you’ve got more general questions about Product/Design at Monzo, that’s fine too!
The pulse graph is work in progress and will provide the backbone to a lot of at a glance information moving forward. Hopefully that thread can answer any questions you have about it. If not best to ask there and keep it all in one place
I get that the graph appealing at the top of the Home feed, but I really dislike the way it works and that you can’t stop anywhere on the graph — I can’t work out why it chooses to stop where it does.
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24 July 2018 14:40
It was discussed here and also a poll was done
This is NOT a Poll to oppose Pulse
It is based on the assumption Pulse is retained
It is just to suggest ways in which it can be an improved user experience
Hi @anon67583189
There’s been a previous discussion about why pulse won’t be removed here, so I’ve moved your post to add to the conversation, hope you don’t mind
Hopefully you find out answers as to why it’s here to stay above.
Apologies, the conversation is also relating to the option to hide as you mention, not just removing.
its not to removing it if people dont wanna see it then it shlould be a option for them to hide it i didnt say remove all together
1 August 2018 08:01
Pulse really needs to be in line with our payday
My pulse has restarted (1st august) but I get paid on 17th of each month
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(Richard Cook)
28 January 2019 08:01
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