Progress update: Core App

Perhaps save the disappointment for when it actually happens rather than jumping in based on rumour and supposition? For all we know there may be enhancements to budgeting for the free tier and additional extras for the paid tier. We don’t know. It’s not happened yet.


Exactly :point_up:

They’ve also got to draw a line somewhere. You could argue that every feature “makes money work for everyone” which means nothing would be part of Plus :laughing:


Still think it looks weird ngl.

But following on from thinking above about custom categories, I think the alphabetisation lends weight to that, as they’ve never bothered before but either that or manual rearrangement would be necessary for custom I suppose?

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This was already the behaviour on Android. We’re aligning both platforms to behave the same way.

You sure? I just swapped between on and off in labs on android and pre labs its click on the category to select it, new style is click category then click done to confirm

Can confirm there was no “done” on :android: before.

The new picker seems like it would be ideal for picking more than one category :eyes:


Never been a Done button anywhere in Android.

I have to repeat that having a Done button is ridiculous when the task is picking one item.

If you are selecting multiple things then it makes perfect sense, otherwise you’re adding an unnecessary step on something that is often used.

It looks like this on mine as an overlay. :point_down:


I can back up what @phildawson and what other people have said. There as never been a done button for the payment catagories on Android.


@bruno please please please reconsider and get rid of the done button :pray:t2:


Yeah, the Done button is annoying and pointless.


Doesn’t follow. Sorry but the logic here is that ‘custom categories’ are for 'serious budgeters only?

I don’t use the Budget/Summary tool, I don’t think I ever will (I have an off Monzo system that works just fine for me). However I WOULD like custom categories so I can export Monzo data and manipulate it elsewhere. Does not have to be linked to any ‘Plus/Premium budgetting tools’. IMO.

I think it would be a shame if you had to pay for plus to make budget and categories useful, even just a few more categories would make a difference, with completely custom categories reserved for the paid version. I guess we’ll have to wait and see

Exporting Monzo data and manipulating it elsewhere sounds like a a serious budgeter thing to me!

Perhaps, but custom categories and ‘serious budgetting tools in-app’ was the link people are making. I don’t think they need to be linked at all. One does not begat the other is all I’m saying.

They do come hand in hand though even by your own admission.

Custom categories will make budgeting easier.

I also have my own out of monzo method of budgeting and would honestly hate the idea of being made to pay for custom categories (especially since theyre free now on revolut). However ill make a guestimate that these will be included in the paid tier because they tick so many of the boxes/buzz words that weve heard about.

Only reason to add a ‘Done’ button was if you could select multiple categories…

New rumour… Monzo will support multiple categories for transactions :wink:


Not so new

I frequently have multiple purchases from the same merchant on one day. It’d be great to have the option to have these condensed in to one line and have a drop down function if I wish to see the breakdown.


Still a done button and no update :frowning:

It’s pretty clear multiple categories (& custom categories) are coming in plus which they’ve said is being delayed.