Private account

Hello , l tried to open a private accounts at monzo i did everything step by step as i was asked to but unfornuately i got msg that " We cant offer you monzo account?

i am finding it very dufficult to understand & especially when Monzo cant go into more detail about why they cant offerme accounts?

Is it because i used my danish pasport as document instead of using a copy of My EU settlement scheme?

Pls help me to understand. Because am starting work as a nurse and i need an accounts aurgient.

Regards E.A.P

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hello welcome to the group, banks don’t usually tell people why they rejected their account opening, they always give a generic response, you can try opening an account with starling bank it’s similar to monzo

Oh ok i see thank u very much . Well is just very fraustrating.

Do u think i shd use a copy of my EU settlement scheme as dokument instead of using my danish pasport as dokument? I want to avoid another mistake. Thx

Am trying to open a new accounts at Starling bank as u recominded.

I’m interested to see if Starling accepted you using the same documents?

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@AlanDoe @cookywook
Topic dug up by Remi about account declines. Just letting you know so you can close it to avoid more speculations :slight_smile: