Pots, Rules, Direct Debits priority

Welcome to the community Rich! Monzo community is a vibrant place to be, hope you enjoy your stay!

Be sure to make a vote on @alexs poll click here

I see @tom voted on it as well so it has the attention of Monzo staff


Rather than put money in a pot for Direct Debits and want Direct Debits to come out of that pot, the other way would be to have Direct Debits come out of the main account but transfer the rest of your money into a spending pot and have card transactions come out of that pot


I was reading this confused, but it literally is the reverse of the requested - which is a decent idea. I would assume (noob assumption admittedly) that the same amount of development time/effort would be the same either way.

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I added my votes to the poll. Good to know the staff are watching it :+1:

This isnā€™t quite ā€œRules for Potsā€ yet, but itā€™s an early step on the way towards it. Enjoy!


This is very exciting! From a n00bā€™s (I am a self proclaimed n00b) perspective its a step closer to basic rules (e.g. Direct Debits from the Direct Debits pot)

Hi again! We also just announced our integration with IFTTT to let you automate all kinds of things. Specifically there are a lot of cool things you can do with pots.

Itā€™s not quite Rules for Pots just yet, but we hope it gives you the ability to build some cool things yourself. Donā€™t forget to show off what you make in our creations thread!

Hey Richard thanks for the update! I think the integration is amazing, and the creations people are making are great.
If you have any influence over the list that Monzo are working on, I still think a dedicated direct debits pot will win the hearts of many and change the way we all manage our money.



Given that pots are evolving and being super useful, I am SHAMELESSLY bumping this topicā€¦ for new users to get visibilityā€¦ or somethingā€¦

Iā€™m just passionate, donā€™t judge me


Good day all!

I hope everyone is well - today is another attempt to bump this topic; mainly for the attention for a dedicated pot for direct debits.

Itā€™s all pretty self-explanatory. In the past Monzo had spoken on ā€œbeing a financial control centreā€ and the mission statement has since been updated to ā€œMonzo makes money work for everyoneā€ - I believe that a Pot dedicated to all Direct Debit payments no matter how primitive it works will help put Monzo customers in better control of their finances and ā€˜make money work for everyoneā€™.

And who knows it could convince a few more customers to go #FullMonzo or at least half&half with a few easy to manage Direct Debits.

I envisage something similar to the ā€˜Coin Jarā€™ pot when that was released, a pot specifically named something (even a GUID if necessary) that triggers all Direct Debit payments to be taken from it.

Butā€¦ Iā€™m no microservices engineer or developer , I donā€™t know the complexity of this request, so if there are any Monzo Engineers willing to explain the limitations I would love to read about it (@simon @cookywook @kieranmch )

Please make this incredibly useful tool a reality for us that need it - donā€™t make me say I am willing to pay for it (I rather not, but if I have toā€¦)

These are just a handful of other people in need, like me :slight_smile:

(I trust we can all search the forum so Iā€™ll skip those) any feedback would be appreciated :slight_smile:

This is already being worked on and actively being tested on staff accounts, most discussion is taking place in another thread:




Thanks Andy, I wouldnā€™t of thought to look for it there, I will start searching for committed spending instead of direct debits pots.

I am interested on the process the team has taken to build this if they are watching, or if you know of another thread that has the details


Very little has been publicly shared just that screenshot and a few bits in the committed spend thread

Maybe an update from Monzo on how the staff testing went/ is going would be worthwhile?

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@simonb is there any update on the committed spending pot that was in testing last year?

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Thread closed to keep chat contained in a single thread -