Pots on Android slightly delayed šŸÆ

We launched Pots on iOS last Monday, and in the announcement on our blog said Android users could expect them at the start of this week. Unfortunately, thereā€™s been a bit of a delay in bringing them to Android, and Pots will now make it into the Play Store next week. Sorry!

In the interests of transparency, I thought itā€™d be worth briefly breaking down why.

At Monzo, we use release trains to manage the development of our iOS and Android apps. That means that every other Wednesday, there is a ā€˜code freezeā€™. The product is then tested internally and, after we determine that everythingā€™s working well, we push the new release out to a small proportion of users via TestFlight on iOS, and our Beta channel on Android. If bugs are flagged as part of this testing, we work to get them fixed, before we bring the release to 100% of users. @JordanFish is writing a blog post thatā€™ll be up soon too for those interested in the details of this :slight_smile:

Pots didnā€™t make it into the latest Android release train at the last minute unfortunately, but weā€™re working hard to make sure theyā€™ll be in the next one. That means they will go out to the Beta channel for testing at the end of this week, before coming to 100% of Android users next week (assuming nothing horrible happens!)

To make it up to you, weā€™ve also added some new functionality, that wasnā€™t available in the initial iOS release: youā€™ll be able to deposit and withdraw custom amounts from pots!

Thanks so much for bearing with us, I promise theyā€™ll be worth the wait! :honey_pot:


So android will be getting custom amounts next week. Do you have an ETA for iOS getting this?

Gutted about the delay, but Iā€™d rather have stable product than something unfinished. :honey_pot:

Love the little sweetener too :slight_smile:


I know many are impatient but I would personally not want to see a rushed and buggy implementation. A week more is not much a wait for a properly tested functionality. :male_detective: :honey_pot:


Agreed. Thanks for the update @tristan

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But totally understand and looking forward to it arriving on the Beta channel.

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I think this might be more important to people then the delay tbh.


This should be going to Test Flight today so within the week!


I can live with that delay :smile:

Thanks for the update, great transparency :+1: Best to make sure itā€™s properly tested and great sweetener with the custom amounts! look forward to it coming to the beta channel later in the week :slightly_smiling_face:

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Itā€™ll be worth the wait! :honey_pot:

While having staggered releases has its pros and cons, it does mean that we get to learn and iterate quickly based on the other platform release. Having custom amounts is a great example of this.


Genuine question - is custom amounts being added because users asked for it, or was the plan to add them all along?

One for @valerio to confirm, but I imagine a combination!

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@caspararemi it was on our list for v2, among other nice polishing bits of pots. However, seeing it was high up in the requests from users we decided to bring it forward!


The new features are already in TestFlight for iOS but still no update to Android BETA so iOS users are going to get the enhanced functionality before Android even gets it first glance of Pots. If you code freeze on a Wednesday that means you implemented the custom deposit and withdraw amounts for iOS last Monday/Tuesday when you should have been focusing all your efforts on getting Android working with Pots.

This post just further demonstrates that Android is at the bottom of Monzoā€™s pile rather than bringing any faith to the fact that you care about Android users.

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I think that we (Android users) are still sooooo much better off due to the fact that we have Android Pay and they (iPhone users) still have to wait for Apple Pay. Pots will be a big help to everyone but I would much prefer to wait and have a stable release rather than buggy rushed system.


As an iOS user, I would happily swap pots for Apple Pay

Patience is a virtue, though, for all of us :+1:


I donā€™t think having the iOS developers drop what they were doing and start coding for Android would have got the Android feature there any faster. :joy:



Uhmm, on Brighton meet-up that I attended, they explained that Pots ā€œteamā€ had a developer from each OS, as well as other people across various disciplines. iOS dev and Android dev are not that easily replaceable, you canā€™t just borrow one to do code from other system :wink: . Dedication of resources seems absolutely fair, but both operating systems have challenges and itā€™s not copy paste for the code.