Issue: A pending savings pot withdrawal in the home feed says added to pot instead of withdrawal from pot or something that makes sense. Quite annoying, I just thought I’d accidentally added and did a double size withdrawal to compensate and now my balance is triple what I intended!
Details to reproduce: withdraw from savings pot
OS: android
Device: oneplus 7 pro
App Version: 3.75.0
Never noticed tbf.
I just look at the plus sign and green numbers.
Will look out for this on next scheduled withdrawal.
Does your’s change to Withdrawn From Pot once completed?
The most recent one in my feed that’s completed says withdrawn. I’ll check this one changes when it completes.
Maybe this is a new bug or maybe I normally notice the green and plus sign and shouldn’t have been checking the app at bed time!
Just to confirm when they were completed, they did update to say withdrawn instead if added.
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