Personal Banking Service Quality - August 2024




Change in overall service quality:


Monzo No Change
Starling Bank +1
Chase New to Survey
First Direct -3
Nationwide +1
Metro Bank +1
Halifax No Change
Lloyds Bank +3
Bank of Scotland +3
Santander -1
Barclays -2
Natwest +2
TSB +1
Co-Op Bank +2
Virgin Money +1
Royal Bank of Scotland -2


Monzo No Change
Starling Bank +2
Nationwide +4
Santander +1
Halifax -1
Barclays -3
Dankse Bank +1
Ulster Bank -2
Bank of Ireland UK No Change
AIB -1

I say it every time, but I will never understand the scores that RBS gets, especially for online and mobile services. They have one of the best apps yet they are always near the bottom. I just don’t understand what problem people have with the app.


I recon Revolut will 100% be 1st/2nd once they get the full license and join the survey. Well thats if they join the survey.


The survey is mandatory.

Weird, I thought banks had to opt in for it.

Nope, it’s a regulatory requirement to conduct the survey and display the results in a visible place in branch (not sure about online).

Personal account providers (such as banks and building societies) with 150,000 or more active account holders in Great Britain and 20,000 or more business current accounts are obliged to collect and publish this data.


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Great to see Monzo doing well and chase coming near the top.

I do wonder how Revolut would do. Probably top too though their customer support score wouldn’t be great lol.

Many would have said the same about Monzo :eyes:. With the amount of bad customer support complaints there are


Yep. Customer support doesn’t seem to have much, if any, bearing on the outcome of these polls (though it should). It’s why I prefer the MSE polls.

Some of my worst customer support experiences in the industry have been with Starling and Monzo, and it’s a widely echoed sentiment online. But extrapolate the customer support component out, and in terms of overall service, they do still come out on top, if not close to it, for me. First Direct are probably more deserving overall.

For that reason, I also wouldn’t be surprised if Revolut takes the top spot, by a margin too, if/when they’re a part of it. Revolut with licence is a dramatic leapfrog over Monzo/StarlingChase IMO.


It’s just personal opinion but I find their app borderline unusable, worse than Monzo’s. I can hardly find anything and just give up.

The only reason I use them is to send/receive money from abroad


We only have our own experience of customer support to rely on, though - as opposed to what we read.

As an example; on the Santander thread there have been many examples of poor customer support. But my experience, having had accounts with them since they were Abbey National Building Society, has been excellent.

It could easily be that the vast majority of Monzo customers have an excellent experience of their customer support, and so they rate them as excellent. From my experience I’d probably rate them as 7/10. From what I read on the internet I’d rate them as 4/10.


Sure, but other polls, which measures customer support distinctly, consistently rank these banks lower than their peers in that respect and relative to these polls.

Whilst Santander takes a middle spot here, they’re near the bottom elsewhere. Whilst Monzo take the top spot here, a greater proportion rank the customer service as bad elsewhere, and so they finish substantially lower in rankings too.

This poll only measures the likelihood a customer would recommend them, and would recommend certain facilities they offer, of which customer support is not a component, and the outcome is horribly inconsistent. Different versions of the exact same bank finishing in dramatically different places, for example.


In most of these types of surveys, especially other ones, the actual figures for different banks aren’t that different, which suggests people’s experience between different banks isn’t actually that different. It is mostly just luck of the draw as to which customer service advisor you get.

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This is also why I ignore this. Monzo 1st, HSBC 11.

Yeah Ok, that is not at all my experience, it’s the total opposite in fact. Nearly every time I interacted with Monzo CS, I wanted to throw my phone through the wall - nearly everything was ‘I’ll escalate this to a specialist’ (Which says a lot about the lack of empowerment COps have)

With HSBC, Nearly always resolved first time.


Must admit these results don’t really mean much to me. No idea why but they never seem to line up with anything I’ve personally experienced…ever.

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Interesting to see the difference between GB and NI.

HSBC is the one that gets the biggest jump in NI, going over RBS/Ulster, Barclays, Halifax and ties with Santander, compared to the same banks GB. Maybe we have lower expectations here :laughing:

Wonder why Chase and First Direct are not included in the NI surveys.

Don’t think Chase UK offer services in NI.

The Chase UK app, which launched in 2021, is currently only available to residents of England, Scotland, and Wales.

Chase is available in NI, I have it since mid-2022 and some friends had it from before.

They even partnered with the (Northern) Irish Football Association.

Personally, I think this is the best of the various banks polls.

It’s the only one I’m aware of that has a chance at achieving something close to unbiased sampling, and the overall question they ask (“how likely are you to recommend your personal current account provider to friends and family”) is intended to reflect overall experience (which is something everyone can have a useful opinion on) rather than specific to customer service.

I’m not keen on the MSE survey as it will have very biased sampling, and although it asks specifically about customer service I suspect many/most people don’t answer it with only customer service in mind. Partly this will be because there will be lots of people who haven’t needed to use customer service in the previous year but they’ll answer anyway.