I’ve got a couple of instances of pending transactions that take a while to clear they show as credits in the timeline… so you end up with two transactions, one ‘pending’, seemingly forever (I have one that’s a year old now), and one credit.
This messes up the totals completely.
One particular vendor is bad at this - they take £12 as an active card check each time even if no transaction is done, then take a month to release it.
So for them I have 5.99+5.13+7.89+5.37+2.73 in actual transactions, 27.11 total, 5.42 average.
There are also auth holds + equivalent credits for £10 and £12 and an extra £12 from today (obviously without the credit yet, which will appear in a month).
Monzo app says £61.11 total, £7.63 average, so it’s not taken into account the credits caused when the auth holds expire, meaning both the total and average are basically fiction.
Taking today’s £12 into account (which is reasonable since monzo don’t know when, or if, it will be credited) the total should be £39.11 total, £6.51 average.
So IMO either:
(a) when the pending transaction times out, it should be either removed or reduced to 0.00, not have an entirely separate transaction added as a credit.
or (b) the credits should affect the total/average so the numbers make sense.