Pay me monzo link goes to wrong account

Bit of a complaint, I’m afraid.

I set up a payment link from the context of our joint account for a large group at a restaurant where they have refused to split the bill (I know, right).

Unfortunately, everyone’s payment is coming i to my personal account.

Ideally, we’d be able to set up a payment link from any account or pot, but if we can’t do that, at least it should be clear to which account the payment is going, and it was not.

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It doesn’t look like you can just share a link from the joint account. Only request it directly.

omg, this would be a great opportunity for to Monzo Us some money! :joy:


Unfortunately this is a long-standing problem. Supposedly ‘fixed’ in May 2019 but definitely broken again as of last year, if not sooner. The thread being marked as Done! is now incorrect (maybe needs to be corrected by @AlanDoe?)