So I have a few different pots and sometimes I would like incoming funds to go directly to one of these pots. At the moment I need to wait for it to hit my main account then transfer out to the appropriate pot.
At a minimum it would be cool if you guys could support payments straight to log in Monzo Me. For example, could append the pot name to the URL such as ?pot=stag-party
Further to that, if you could have some magic to allow bank transfers to specific pots… could have a base account number then the last 2/3 digits could be the pot identifier, this supporting up to 99/999 pots. I guess this would depend on account numbering architecture.
Alternatively, as per my other thread suggestion, pots could be independent accounts with their own bank account number.
or to pay in directly by Bank Transfer maybe include “Pot Holiday Fund” or “Pot New Car” as the reference and have Monzo check payment references and any preceeded by the word Pot go straight to that Pot?
I’d love to be able to sort my payments straight into my pot. For example I sell on Depop, the money I earn from that I put in my Depop pot as my budget to spend. However I’d love to be able to set a function to automatically send all payments from Depop into that pot!