Very slight bit of feedback here - it always makes me slightly anxious when I see that I can overwrite a transaction reference in the notes field.
This might be me being slightly anal, but I’d quite like to have two fields - one that’s read only that shows the details of the transaction as it came in (with maybe the ability to see more detail if you’ve got more sitting behind the scenes and it makes sense to humans
), but one that you can edit and make your own notes in etc.
Is it just me?
(It’s going to be just me, isn’t it?
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I think the raw FPS message is served via the API and it contains the reference.
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Interesting! Would you (or someone else) be able to post an example of the sort of thing that is passed back?
Actually, this might be a stupid question, but how to you edit the reference ? I tried editing it on an inbound faster payment and couldn’t.
Seems like the FPS message is only there for outbound payments, and here’s what the transaction model looks like:
"id": "tx_00009NqCBZjZfWKvYeiggD",
"created": "2017-08-25T13:52:21.952Z",
"description": "Hello from Monzo",
"amount": -3086,
"fees": {},
"currency": "GBP",
"merchant": null,
"notes": "Hello from Monzo",
"metadata": {
"faster_payment": "true",
"insertion": "entryset_00009NqCBZ2gF0JutrLivx",
"message": "9200A4100002206020000000000240001D00101000000000000030862017082513PEO0HWDKDOR6Q08<destination account number>040004 08<originator account number>82606<destination sort code>040004 12<originator name>024<originator address & postcode>007<destination name>016Hello from Monzo",
"notes": "Hello from Monzo",
"trn": "outbound:PEO0HWDKDOR6Q"
"labels": null,
"account_balance": 0,
"attachments": [],
"category": "general",
"is_load": false,
"settled": "2017-08-25T13:52:21.952Z",
"local_amount": -3086,
"local_currency": "GBP",
"updated": "2017-08-25T13:52:21.945Z",
"account_id": "acc_00009NoD6ojiAtqBlRrDn7",
"counterparty": {
"account_number": "<destination account number>",
"name": "<destination name>",
"sort_code": "<destination sort code>",
"user_id": "anonuser_91fcd02081befec5e743f5"
"scheme": "payport_faster_payments",
"dedupe_id": "payport-faster-payments:outbound:acc_00009NoD6ojiAtqBlRrDn7%!(EXTRA string=outbound:PEO0HWDKDOR6Q)",
"originator": false,
"include_in_spending": true
Most of that info is public already, and I no longer have a legacy bank. 
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For me (on Android), select a transaction then hit the notes field.
I’ve not tried with faster payments, but with TfL for example the note says “Travel charge for [Date]”, which I’m at liberty to amend…
Damn you and your commitment to transparency and moving away from legacy! :shakes fist: 
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Here’s an example inbound FP:
"id": "tx_00009OuJQfbhdc3v3bMhgf",
"created": "2017-09-26T11:24:28.398Z",
"description": "SALARY",
"amount": <amount>,
"fees": {},
"currency": "GBP",
"merchant": null,
"notes": "SALARY",
"metadata": {
"faster_payment": "true",
"insertion": "entryset_00009OuJQfOaQNZQOvEEF7",
"notes": "SALARY",
"trn": "24122428058933000N"
"labels": null,
"account_balance": 0,
"attachments": [],
"category": "general",
"is_load": false,
"settled": "2017-09-26T11:45:00Z",
"local_amount": <amount>,
"local_currency": "GBP",
"updated": "2017-09-26T11:24:28.512Z",
"account_id": "acc_00009NoD6ojiAtqBlRrDn7",
"counterparty": {
"account_number": "<originator account number>",
"name": "DEPOP LIMITED",
"sort_code": "<originator sort code>",
"user_id": "anonuser_7b9adaba895ce263286635"
"scheme": "payport_faster_payments",
"dedupe_id": "payport-faster-payments:inward:24122428058933000N",
"originator": false,
"include_in_spending": false
As you can see the SALARY
which is the reference is present multiple times, once in the notes
, second in the metadata
. I am not on Android so can’t test this (my iOS app doesn’t allow me to edit notes for FPS payments) but presumably only one of those parameters will change, while the other will remain at the initial value set from the FPS payment.
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It overwrites both. After editing on Android:
"notes": "A WILLIAMS 123",
"metadata": {
"notes": "A WILLIAMS 123"
This bit keeps the original ref, though:
"description": "A WILLIAMS ",