Option for Euro Account

Until monzo provide a euro account I have an account in Republic of Ireland with permanent tsb and I use transferwise to transfer money to the account and use curve card to spend from it in the UK but would love monzo to do more than be UK only as all fintech banks I know don’t limit themselves to the UK like revolut and monese and starling and from Ireland fire account offering euro and pound

You could open a fire.com account. It’s a southern account so it does have the associated fees

What fees cause with my Irish accounts I still haven’t received any fees for using bank card in Ireland and supposed to get €5 max fee for that from Irish government on every account you hold a debit card and you use it for both card payments and cash machine transactions though I did have fee from bank for cheque book order

Atm fees etc

The 5 yo-yo tax is for Irish residents

So living in Ireland is you pay more and living in the UK with an Irish account you pay less that’s not right I see the point on not double taxing someone in two different countries

Do you need to pay DIRT on the interest they give you or is that just for residents as well?

TransferWise Borderless is made for this use case :+1:

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No I do not pay tax on interest but permanent tsb did charge full their charge and full government charge for issuing cheque book up front but aib issue chequebooks free and charge when a cheque is used

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While you wait for Monzo to release a Euro account, worth noting that Starling have officially launched one.

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Is that a separate debit card or how are they doing that?

Monese do separate debit cards but transferwise and revolut and fire.com accounts have one debit card for everything I prefer separate cards for every account

Not sure - I don’t actually have/need a Euro account.

I think I read they plan to enable their customers to be able to use the same debit card for UK/EU in future though.

To have one card the machine will always think to offer convert to UK pounds for you instead of just offering euro currency charge and the problem I’ve had is your charge comes off wrong account and you pay for it when you shouldn’t it doesn’t work straight forward and if you have separate cards you avoid this issue

I think a Monzo Euro Account would be a good idea and I’m sure will eventually come (after the dollar account I suspect) but in the mean time you could use either a Revolut or TransferWise Euro account which will do the same thing

At the moment monzo is UK only so you can’t live outside a UK address for one month without closing your account and being European too with the euro account means you can keep your account if you move about like going to Ireland and Spain and back to the uk most legacy banks allow you to move to Ireland and Europe without need to close certain accounts down

I don’t think that’s true. Unless you tell Monzo you’ve moved, they’ve no way of knowing.


Cards can’t be sent outside UK just yet policy hasn’t changed though they want to set up in Ireland and the USA

Doesn’t mean you have to close your account down. You would already have a card due to your previous UK address. When that card expires, giving you a few years or so, it just needs to be sent to a UK address. I’m sure my mum will accommodate having me use her as a care of address if I was in this situation.

Not everyone can do that

This has been clarified a couple of times in the past. They’ve always said that there’s no need to close your account if you move abroad.

I’m not saying this can’t change in future but this has always been the answer when asked in the past.