ONMO chat

I don’t need another card, but I want to see pictures of it!


Here we are :grin:

I had to enter CVV code to activate card. I could see it on app from the card ordering stage, still waited for a card to arrive first :smirk:




Is it wrong that I like it? I’m tempted to apply.

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I actually dig it. Aside from that bar going down the middle. Also I think I’m set on the credit card front and spreading them thin as it is…

I’ve just applied for the credit card. Despite the website saying the debit account isn’t available, I was asked if I wanted one… so I did.

Very clean onboarding process, I have to say.


I like that the wordmark says Ow! No.

Which is basically my take on the design.


(having said that, the light design is actually… ok? The bar in the middle saves it. That brown debit card design posted earlier, however…}


As I applied through the ClearScore, it was VERY easy too :relieved:

Well done :wink:
May I ask your credit limit? :abacus:
Nosey, as on their website could not find the max amount they could offer :thinking:

Β£4.5K, which is far in excess of what I’d expected. I may reduce that, once I have the cards etc, and provided you can do that via the app.


Cards have arrived. Very trippy! I like the card holders, lots of thought seems to have gone into it.


I did order my Debit card too, yesterday :grin:
Mainly for collection, but may use it sometimes :smile:

Could choose a PIN for a Credit card, but PIN for a Debit card was automatically assigned (can see it in app) :grimacing:

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Credit Karma already reflected my Onmo account, but ClearScore not yet :unamused:

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How do you apply for the debit card or do you only have the option if approved for the CC?

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Currently only available to CC customers

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They are new in the UK market, so nothing very exciting for now :sweat_smile:

Still, I liked UI and my approved credit limit :money_mouth_face:

Any idea if Onmo are OK with credit limits? Moved from Smile to HSBC for Visa credit last year and got less than 25% of my Smile credit limit with HSBC. Have hardly used it after I ran out of credit 3 weeks into the month. And it still takes days for transactions to show on the feed.

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Some limits are really generous :blush:

This is how Revolut shows Onmo

and Monzo
