One-time purchase of premium metal card

Will there be an opportunity to purchase the premium white metal card without upgrading to premium? I’d love to be able to do this!



short and sweet :face_with_peeking_eye:


It’s been done to death so why waste more words?

They’re 3rd party sites that will turn your card metal.

Unsure if its against monzo T&Cs however theirs also a trust factor since you have to send them your card. I only found out about them as my friend has a solid silver monzo one and it was like £60


They’re literally cloning your card. Nothing stops them making extra copies for themselves and would you even be covered for fraud since you gave them the card in the first place?



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You can buy my white Monzo metal card if you want. And pretend to be a proud metal-card-owner (although it’ll have my card details on it)

No ID theft or fraud involved though. Because it already expired.

But hey? - you can look cool :wink:


It’s prohibited. Of course it is. Thinking through the implications for about 30 seconds would lead anyone to believe of course it is.


The dilemma here is a weird one. Most of us (though perhaps not us on here per se) are probably willy nilly with handing out our card details insecurely as it is, and the bank would still have to cover fraud that results from that. Giving your card details out over the phone to another human on the end is still common practice in many places, and I don’t see how this process is any different from a risk perspective. Granted I wouldn’t expect the bank to cover any fraud that arose from exposing myself to that risk, since it’s something I did knowingly.


Cool. I was only asking :+1:t2:

The whole point of the metal card is that it’s exclusive to those people who are paying monthly for it. Sell it to everyone and it ceases to be desirable.


I woud pay with it for everything and then sheepishly say “oh it’s not working, I’ll have to use my phone to pay”

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Revolut metal are £40 :upside_down_face:

Are they though?

For simplicity yes :joy:

For simplicity they’re £12.99 a month for a 12-month minimum term*

*see the Revolut thread for further detail


I kept my metal card from when I had premium, sits nicely in my wallet that I rarely use

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