Notification disappears

Just received a notification on my iPhone re pots, I could see some of it so get the gist But when I clicked on it to read more. Monzo opens and the notification disappears half read.

Is there somewhere to find the notification?

Is there a feed item with the info?

I get this as well

I’ve had a good look around cant see it. The notifcation related to topping up my bills pot or …….

Ok, it will have been a notification that you have a bill due but insufficient funds in the bill pot to cover it

Afaik you don’t get a feed item for that

If the notification is cut off you can usually just pull it down to expand it and see the whole notification.

That’s what I tried to do but it opened the app instead. chubby finger issue :slight_smile:

Hopefully something that can be changed? It so easy to mispress notifications especially when you have long nails.