No notification for pending transaction settling at a different amount

I’m glad you said that too because I thought I was misremembering.

But it’s been so long since I put fuel in the car, you could tell me it comes with a free parrot and I wouldn’t think you were lying.

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It definitely does though!

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Do you know if that’s just a pre auth that gets cancelled and then resubmitted as a second transaction for the correct amount?

Co op seem to just be amending the pending transaction for the correct amount before it settles, so I’m not being notified of the change from Monzo.

No idea to be honest, it still appears in the same place in the feed, however, it always has a warning attached to it saying final value may change later, we’ll update you when it does. I just assume Monzo has an extra set of rules set up for certain merchants i.e petrol stations

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Thanks, that makes sense. I presume they’d need to do the same for co-op, but since it’s relatively new, haven’t yet.