New webpage for the free Monzo account

Hey folks :wave:

And Happy New Year! (Can I still say that now it’s February?)

Wanted to share something we’ve been working on in the marketing team, and I’m keen for your opinions!

On, under the “Current Accounts” section, we have three separate webpages – the “Monzo account”, “Monzo Plus” and “Monzo Premium”. The Monzo Plus and Premium pages are fairly new, but the “Monzo account” page hadn’t been updated for a while.

We realised we needed to do some work to clearly lay out the value people who might not have used Monzo yet would get from a free-to-open Monzo account. So we’ve taken a first go at it, and it’s live now, here :point_right:

Things I’d really love your thoughts on, if you have a mo:

  • What do you think of the big tagline at the very top of the page?
  • Do you think this would be a helpful page to show a friend or family member who hasn’t got Monzo yet?
  • Do you think the way we’ve grouped up the features makes sense?
  • Have we missed anything?

Hope you’re all keeping well, looking forward to your thoughts! :hot_coral_heart:

Looks very nice in my opinion. I’d certainly pass a link to it to family/friends, although in the past I’ve used Golden Tickets.

One thing I noticed - the Trustpilot logo isn’t loading (or isn’t there at all) - just a text URL (Windows 10/Chrome - both normal and Incognito tabs)

What about free overseas cash wihdrawals, up to a point. There’s no mention of that or are you steering clear of anything overseas at the moment?

EDIT: Just noticed - there are 4 phone images on the page and the third one is different to the other 3. Shouldn’t it be the same for consistency?

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It all looks good to me.

I think it would be more accurate to replace bills with Direct Debits in this section.

I can see why you want it to say bills, but it doesn’t (yet) work for CPAs, which can also be regular bills.

Also, why would a standing order change unexpectedly?


Agree with it looking nice.

Trustpilot logo is loading fine for me though, on Opera on iOS.

And me on Safari.

Agree with this.

And on a similar note, I think saying automatically for sorting is…well, untrue. Remembering last month’s numbers but still having to do it manually doesn’t = automatically.

Overall though, yes I think similar features are grouped well. Yes it’s a nice, helpful page.

You haven’t really mentioned budgets or summary properly? I assume this is intentional but that was one of the biggest selling points for me when I opened my Mondo account.


The TrustPilot, Resolver, CASS and FSCS logos are not positioning themselves correctly in portrait mode on an iPhone 12 Pro Max. The second and third get cramped in together, and the fourth one expands beyond the right hand side of the screen.
They’re displaying correctly in landscape mode, so probably something to do with the screen width.


It’s so pretty :heart_eyes:


It looks really good - I think one thing that lets it down compared to the other sites, is how messy the coral card looks with all of the information on the front of the card :frowning:

Move that to the back, and then the card would look great :smiley:

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I know there is a policy of making writing as short as possible, but on that page I would write “standing order is” in full, as the use of the contraction feels jarring.

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Now you’ve pointed it out, it should be “Direct debits or standing orders are,” I think.


The design looks lovely :heart_eyes:

One comment:

Automatically sort your income
Once you’re paid, automatically move your money to different Pots – letting you set aside savings, bills money, money for a rainy day or whatever you like. All without the manual work.

The word ‘automatically’ feels like it’s doing a bit too much here. Salary sorter isn’t automatic, it’s a manual process each month. (Now, I think we’d love it to be automatic, so :pray: that this is a feature annoucement)


I’d also say this lines a bit misleading.

Having dinner with friends? Pay for everyone and then split the bill after. We divide up who owes what so you don’t have to do the maths.

Alot of maths can be required as not all splits are even :man_shrugging:

Looks pretty!

My thoughts as mild as they may be:

  • I think the Monzo card being tilted at that angle looks weird somehow.
  • The Pots image in the header doesn’t really explain what those things are.

(is that Pots or Summary or Salary Sort - either way, if I don’t know what the account does/has, this image feature has no context to explain it, and the explanation later on doesn’t tell me that this image is in fact Salary Sort / what this specific thing means) At least I think it is salary sort.

  • Get Paid Early isn’t really explained, I think that could do with a one liner.
  • Bills Pots suggests all bills are eligible, again could do with a nice “pay your direct debits in a bills pot”, or something along those lines.
  • Split the bill - not really sure that the feature itself is right for “We divide up who owes what so you don’t have to do the maths.” - if you have anything other than an entirely equal split, you’ll still have to do the maths. (i.e. feature request, build a calculator or %'s into this!)
  • Aside from the external customer service survey, it doesn’t mention how support works at all.

I think that’s your choice though - the default split is even and automatic. So not misleading, in my opinion.

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before the receipts even printed.

Surely should be

before the receipt’s even printed.


Thats true not arguing with that but inputting non-even splits leaves alot to be desired.

Even the more experienced users on here only found out after a while that you had to do the splits in order from top to bottom otherwise the rest would update unintentionally.

Interestingly id love to know what percentage of splits are done evenly and non-evenly.

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I second this


Also, on Mobile (chrome, on IOS 14 on an iPhone 11), the page seems to have some “horizontal scroll” so scrolls left to right a tiny bit.

Which I think is caused by the logos - they arent evenly spaced on mobile.

And lastly the Trustpilot logo loads on mobile but not on desktop for me.

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I think you should add short video demos (perhaps with audio commentary) showing the app in action.