I was wondering if someone else’s Monzo chat looks a bit weird, compared to a few months ago.
I remember it being separate for each conversation you’ve had, and honestly a better design to it.
Now I can’t see my previous chats and the last 2 times I’ve messaged Monzo are in one big chat with some weird design, and every time I open it goes to the top of the conversation.
Only a fraction of customers are on the new system right now so it can be accurately stress-tested before we roll it out to everyone. We’ll be talking more about it as we continue to roll it out, but we’re pleased with the progress!
@dgores it would be interesting to know what you preferred about the previous design and interface?
I’ve seen a few people on here being caught unaware by this, though. I know I was a bit baffled at first until I remembered someone on the forums mentioning a new chat system was being made.
Maybe consider some sort of in-chat message for those that have been switched explaining why things look different, and why their archive has disappeared – along with a link for providing feedback for you.
@simonb the previous chat system had a more ‘clean’ look to it, also every conversation was stored separately. More like a normal message system looks like nowadays (iMessage or Facebook messanger), it would give a more normal and familiar look to it.
I never spoke with the same person more than once. Every time I would have an issue I would start a new conversation with a new person, and it would be stored by COps. Like iMessage for example.
@BethS now everything is in one message, even if you started a new issue, it takes you to that same message but another person will be replying to you.
So. You are saying that a new subject that you are talking about you want as a new conversation. If it’s a new Cop helping you on same subject it should stay in the same chat.
1st November Pin help - as many cops can come in and help
5th November Merchant - start a new chat for it.
Is that what you are trying to explain?
EDIT: I know nothing about Monzo chat or what monzo sees or does. Never used it ever.