New feature coming šŸ‘€

I read on Twitter that he is taking a few weeks off.

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The new feature will be pressing delete on the forum the way itā€™s going :see_no_evil: :rofl:


This lockdown must have gotten to all of us. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen the forum in a mood like this, and that includes me moaning occasionally

I think weā€™re all craving something new and different from the monotony of every locked down day


Canā€™t say itā€™s always been like that TBH, when I joined a while ago, everyone seemed really friendly and happy to help.


I agree it hasnā€™t always been like this. The forum used to be a great place for interaction between Monzo and itā€™s users. However, since Monzo stopped interacting so much with the forums, it seems people started to take their frustration out on anyone new that dare to say something out of line.

There are still some great users on the forum and many will try to help out and answer questions.

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Agree that it used to be lovely here, back in the day. Everyone was so welcoming and pleasant.

Price of success though as more and more people join, youā€™re gonna get the odd grumbler.

I know Iā€™m straying wildly off topic here, but Iā€™m still pretty sure there are plants in here from other Fintech companies. Some people are so dead set on bashing Monzo and talking up Starling for example, that they canā€™t really be regular humans. Why would you frequent the forums of a company you didnā€™t think were any good?


Thatā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed from lurking here. Certain people cropping up in threads with a theme. Or similarities in usernames/avatar. Never a good word about Monzo. Strange.


I suspect there may be some of that, but there is also genuine frustration that not a lot has been released in a long time

Glad youā€™ve decided to move from the sidelines and join in. Welcome to the community. :wave:

(See, we can be welcoming to new users @Tainted-Archer :grin:)


I appreciate the welcome.


I am but my team will be carrying on with the launch in my absence :muscle:We cleared some major hurdles last week but given how 2020 is treating all of us so far, it would still be unwise to give a timescale. Thank you to everyone for being patient!


Thanks alot @kieranmch really appreciate you updating us even on your time off :clap:

Hope youre enjoying it and come back refreshed


Thanks for the update. Enjoy your time off!


Curious if any update on this?

@don_quixote Donā€™t be silly :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Really feel like Iā€™m now living the fool me twice/thrice life :mask: keep thinking ā€˜last time Iā€™ll get my hopes upā€™ and then I do it again and then here we are months laterā€¦again :upside_down_face:

I get that, although Iā€™m thinking they may save the release until @kieranmch is back from his time off, although he said somewhere above his team would handle the release in his absence, it wouldnā€™t be surprising. If I worked hard on something, iā€™d want to see it through

I can see that I suppose.

Just hoping it (and custom categories, whether plus or not) arrive soon :crossed_fingers:

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Did he say when he would be back?