I can’t remember if you have to activate Nationwide cards when you receive them. If you do, maybe you can’t see them in the app till you’ve activated them?
Why the panic anyway? It’s not like you haven’t got several other bank accounts that you can use in the meantime.
Yeah idk. I don’t think you have to though. It’s just odd that my passcode and card PIN arrived in 3 days, and yet this is taking over a week for the card + card reader (not that that part is an issue as I have my NatWest card reader). Idk. Might just pop them a message maybe, or call them as ndrw suggests.
So, why are the Nationwide Round-ups not automatic? Surely that’s hugely behind even NatWest? Just seems like a very annoying limitation. And it’s a shame that they don’t have 2x roundups like NatWest (not that I use 2x, but it’d be nice to have).
Also, I contacted support to see what was happening with the card. They said that everything should be showing in the app by the end of Wednesday, and that the card should be delivered by Wednesday as well, and to contact them on Thursday if not. So that’s something at least. Also very fast support. I’d have to place them on the same level as Starling (decently fast) in terms of speed .
I stopped using the Round-Up feature because it was irritating having to do it manually (an the amount of screen space it took up all the time as a result).
DMc1 said “you should start calling them Twatwide” in response to my “that’s rather inconvenient” comment above. Except someone has had a hissy fit and decided to flag DMc1’s post. It’s been happening a lot recently…