Any MK fans here? Anyone picking this up? I can’t wait
I think I might actually have to go out and buy the new PlayStation… I was doing so well at not buying new gaming consoles.
The PS4? Totally worth it. Have you played The Last of Us? It’s life-changing. And the sequel is out sometimes this year or early next.
Yep I played it on the PS3. Loved it!
Then you definitely need to get a PS4 ahead of the sequel coming out. And for Uncharted 4, which for me rivals The Last of Us as the best game Naughty Dog have ever made.
And Shenmue 3 which is coming out later this year And the Yakuza series.
There’s seriously so many great games on the PS4, for me it easily won this console generation.
PlayStation or Xbox or is this a hard decision? Girlfriend has an Xbox and I have not got one over the excuses I give myself about my GameCube being fine.
PS4, no question!