More flexible standing order frequencies (every X days/weeks/months/years, last day of the month etc...)

I’m in the process of moving all of my direct debits and standing orders over manually from Barclays, as I wish for that account to be remain open.

I was wondering why the frequency options for standing orders with Monzo are so limited? I’ve attached a screen shot of Barclays’ options, although some are a little niche.

I get paid on the last working day of the month and have my rent standing order set up to also go out on the last working day of the month, but this will not be an option with Monzo.

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Probably because Monzo start with the minimum they can get away with, and then, instead of improving this, just move on to something more interesting.


Personally that is just overboard :joy:


I’d prefer it to what we have though.

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Agreed! I’m not even sure what a Quarter Day is? :thinking:

Although the Barclays Staff Pay Day option was great when I worked for them!

Last working day would be awesome😁

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Well as iOS doesn’t have every 4 weeks / 28 days for schedule pot payments I have manually edited the payments up to July :joy:

Just noticed iOS now has more standing order options including fortnightly and four weekly!

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SO are fine it is the scheduled payments to pots :wink: