More advanced "date" options for Standing Orders - last working day of the month

One of the big things blocking me from doing any scheduling it that I, like I expect many others, am paid on the last working day of the month. This obviously varies and is not always set (could be 28th/30th/31st or even earlier depending on how weekends and bank holidays fall).

I’d love to be able to specify “last working day of the month” for some standing orders to go out. At present I do it manually. I know of course that I could do it for the 1st but in some cases I have bills going out on the 1st were it’s obviously required that funds be in place beforehand, and also I tend to organise all my finances on the day I get paid not wait a few days until the weekend is over.

This would work great for things like scheduling payments and the monthly budget screen too which doesn’t work based on this variance.

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Hi Fran :wave:

I’m with you on the last working day of the month thing!

The closest work around is to schedule it on the 31st and then chose “every month” - It then does it on the last day of the month (so at least it goes out before the 1st).

The only issues you’d have would be like this month, where you’ll get paid on Friday 26th, but then have to wait until Tuesday 31st before the money moves.

Could you set it up for the 31st and then select “the working day before” so then it would re-correct if we get a month where the 30th/31st isn’t a working day?

I think @franhaselden’s suggestions is to do with Standing Orders, not Summary.

Oh yep, my mistake missed that bit completely, never mind me…

The only issues you’d have would be like this month, where you’ll get paid on Friday 26th, but then have to wait until Tuesday 31st before the money moves.

This is what stops me from doing it. Seeing as I couldn’t rely on it to always work I’d end up deleting and re-setting up the schedule payment when I ended up doing it manually. As I said before I like to get my ducks in a row on the day I get paid so if it’s not going to work all the time there’s no point me setting it up.

For example out of the 9 remaining pay days of 2019 I can see that 4 would come in earlier than the last day of the month (and in 2020 it’s 5). It’s a case of where setting up a hacky solution just causes more trouble than its worth.

Edit: and actually this month it would be 30th, not 26th as you said, 30th is a Tuesday :wink:

Oops - I read that as the last Friday of the month :man_facepalming:

So worst case scenario is you set it for last day of the month, but sometimes you’ll get paid on the Friday, and your scheduled payments won’t leave until the Sunday?

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I’d also really like it if when scheduling repeating transfers in and out of pots you have a switch for it to behave like other payments and not work until the next working day if falls on a weekend or bank holiday.

Though hopefully a committed spending pot would stop me wanting this behaviour.

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Sorry for bumping an older thread.

Its been 5 years - and no progress on this point? Any insight Monzo?

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