Doesn’t tell you how many people have to delete the app again because they have been rejected for a account
Monzo users are younger and replace their phones more often which increases the download count.
Personally think it should exclude same account downloads, and updates if those count towards it.
Not sure if either of those do, but they shouldn’t
anything to take away any positive monzo thing.
Let’s ignore rev being a travel card to many and getting a lot of downloads for the summer holidays/ Easter / October.
Hell chase added a lot of new customers with its free cash but monzo gets slatted because some folk get new phones and then they shouldn’t count
Away with you
I was mostly joking, but my point was downloads are not such a good metric, demographics could easily account for a 10% increase I would think.
The download counter, at least in the Google Play Store, counts 1 download per account, no matter how often you redownload.
They have to, in order to prevent dubious practices artificially inflating an app’s count.
I would very much assume that Apple’s is the same.
Infographic below for anyone who couldn’t be arsed to click the link.
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