Monzo to Monzo payments

Hi. I can sent cash to my mate but if he tries to send it back it come up saying payment can not been mate. According to customer ops this is a known issue.and there working on it. Just wondering if any one els has this problem ? This is a Monzo to Monzo payment and not a Bank transfer

Hey @Stevenjoyce

Glad to hear you’ve reached out to COps :slight_smile:

Any chance you could give some clarification about the accounts you’re sending payments between? For example, are you on a Current Account on the Prepaid or something like that?

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Hey @Stevenjoyce,

We’re on the case. Done some extra digging from yesterday, but I have no updates to share. Sorry!

Myself or a colleague will get back to you via the ongoing conversation in the app chat :+1:

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Hi mate. Both of us are current accounts, on the lates app

Cheers mate. It’s a strange one alright :grimacing:

Morning Monzo
I’ve just requested some funds using my link in the app.
I had confirmation that the funds were sent using Applepay, but have not received it on my account.
Should the funds be transferred automatically and instantly?

I’ve sometimes had a few delays on this, it should be instant but I think the “bodge” that gets it working for the Current Account can be a bit slow sometimes. This should be fixed soon hopefully :slight_smile:

Should be fixed for you now @Stevenjoyce :wink:

@Ricardoveras, seems it’s all sorted for you too? According to the in-app chat

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It is now. Not sure what you guys done but it works now. Cheers

I see this bug back again. It get fixed for a few days then returns lol. Hopefully you guys with get it resolved soon