Tom answered a question from me. For the record, I don’t know him and have no connection with anyone from Monzo and it wasn’t a planted question (but then I would say that, wouldn’t I?! )
On preparing in advance, given that the questions were posted openly on the internet, it seems reasonable that he might have had a look and considered what his answers might be?
Tom isn’t the kind of person who needs to prepare answers in advance. Every week we hammer him with hard questions at the company Q&A and he always gives impressively detailed and well considered answers
Gotta love people who can’t deal with plain, boring reality.
What does the cynic in you feel was kept back? How much more ‘real’ could this friendly thing to do, in keeping with Tom’s and Monzo’s whole ethos, have been, and what were they achieving by ‘preparing’ and ‘selecting’?
In short, I’m not sure I even understand what you think could’ve been achieved by faking this.
I’ve seen Tom speak numerous times, since the Alpha days, and the answers this time were entirely consistent with his whole approach to banking and setting up Monzo.
You are both on my Christmas card list for your dedication to finding out the truth. That the CEO would avoid such an important issue is just a disgrace. Perhaps a senate committee is needed?
I’m really new to Monzo so sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but why the name ‘Monzo’? And why Hot Coral as a colour for the cards? Personally I love it and often get comments on my card, but just interested in why? Thanks