Monzo replacing my card

Just checked my monzo app and its told me out of the blue that my card is going to be replaced as a precaution, because I might of been a victim of fraud, now it’s got me very worried, tried phoning up customer support and monzo chat but cant get through. I need to do my weekly shop today and need my card for that. Will I still be able to use my current card before the new one arrives? Also I am currently working my notice period in work and get paid on monday, will I have to update my payment information with work or will it stay the same, this has came completely out of the blue and got me very worried.

Your payment details with Work should stay the same. It might be that you will get a New Card Number if they are sending out a new card to you.

It’s likely Monzo has identified a trend in fradulent transactions and you may have shopped there previously which is why they’d be replacing your card as precaution, you don’t have anything to worry about.

I believe you can still use your current card until the new one arrives, and as above your account details won’t change (only the card details will).

This happened previously with Ticketmaster if you wanted to have a read:


If you look in app you can see if your card has been frozen or not. If it’s not frozen it can’t be used

Also the in app message should tell you but normally you can keep using it


For some extra peace of mind, if you’re still able to use your old card until the new one arrives, you can “Freeze” it in the app, so on the off chance your details have been obtained by someone they can’t use them. You can then just open the app and unfreeze it just before you use it in a shop, and re freeze it afterwards.

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