Monzo Plus - Weekly Update 31st October 2019 🎃

Hello everyone,

Happy Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

Hope you’re all having a lovely week. Here’s your update:

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Comparison table

One of the top pieces of feedback from the research day was that it’s hard to compare the various plans we have on offer. It’s not super easy to do this on a mobile screen, as comparison tables by design allow for you to scroll horizontally to compare information and features. We’ve designed a table that we think works on mobile and still makes it easier to compare. It looks a bit like this :point_down:

:shopping: Special Offers

We need your help. As part of these paid plans, we want to include some special offers that you really want to use. We have some broad ideas around food, entertainment, and exclusive events - but we’d love your inspiration by threading your ideas below. Nothing is off the table. If you include a website or link we’ll click through and see if we can make it work.

:package: Other stuff

  • Billing and cancellations: we’re ironing out what happens when a customer misses a payment for their subscription and how we deal with that. We’re also looking into whether we do annual or monthly (or both) payments. Do you have any thoughts on this?

  • Cards: our team came back from France with five card designs they felt really good about. We did a round of internal reviews on Friday, then this week we walked around London and got some feedback from people on the street for some of the designs. We’ve narrowed our decision down to two different designs that we’ll refine over the next month or so.

In order to keep these updates useful, we’ll likely move to every 2-week updates. Now we’re getting into the flow of things, the next couple months will be all about knuckling down and building.


Those cards look like metal :joy:


Seems like things are moving alone nicely.

I’d love to be able to get some discounts from common food retailers, cinemas etc. I’m not too fussed about exclusive events unless they’re Monzo related :slight_smile:

The comparison table is good and will allow people to compare easily.

I think you should offer monthly and annual payments, maybe with a month free or a small percentage taken off the total cost if paid annually?

I notice you said “the next couple of months” - so there’s no ETA for anything at the moment then? Not that I want it to be rushed.


I think you should allow the option of both monthly and annual costs, with a discount if you choose annually. Give the users the option to choose, don’t limit it to one or the other.


This is the only question I have a view on. With Plus before in my view some of the benefits should not have been / were not ones which justified a subscription (like getting a blue card). Others could be useful some months and not others (like :thought_balloon: extended international withdrawal limit) and others (like device insurance) would merit a 12 month term.

When Plus first became a suggestion my view was and (after last years trials) still is that a market place which gives us options still is. To make some of the “shorter term” offers more likely to be taken perhaps price a sliding scale; for each 12 month service you take the price of a 1 month service goes down, or if we commit to 12 months on a per month service give a discount.

With any service billed on a recurrance, ensure there is clear information on when the service and costs will cease where the cancellation option is.

my 2c

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Looks like things are really coming together, great job! Also if those are metal cards, you’re going to have a lot of happy customers. :smirk:

As for ideas, it may be worth what some companies do and partnering with the likes of Spotify and Netflix to offer passes, ‘Six months free’, etc.


Sorry, I was so focused on my feedback that I forgot to say; keep going, do it well and we look forward to seeing how it all comes together.

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It doesn’t look like much is included on the free plan from those blurred ‘:x:’s :joy:

That being said, i’m liking the update and progress. Keep it up!

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I need one of those CSI tools to de-blur it all…


I assumed, wrongly or rightly, that the ‘Free’ plan was just standard Monzo that everyone has today.

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I’m certainly hoping so, as opposed to making existing features applicable only to paid plans!

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I made this assumption too…

If not, goodbye monzo


Yes, of course Monzo will suddenly start charging for the standard Monzo account. That’ll happen.



So what can we tell from his image.

  1. There are quite a lot of features on the table.
  2. Tier 1 is under £10pm (the blurred image gives away number of digits)
  3. Tier 2 is over £10pm.
  4. The new cards have no colour to them, could be that they are metal.
  5. Tier 1 has 4 added benefits over the free account.
  6. Tier 2 has 9 added benefits over the free account, and 5 over the Tier 1 account.

This assumes that the image isn’t just filled with dummy data :joy:


N26 and Revolut are approx £8 and £13, plastic at the lower price, metal at the higher. It’ll be the same here

Just backing up what others have said re paying annually or monthly, offer both, with a slight discount for paying annually, this is common practice across the board for most subscription services and works well.

I think the having a few of the big names in here would be great, Spotify, Netflix, etc. as so many people use these and it would make the package more desirable.

Events would be less attractive for me, as the majority seem to be in London, but that’s just me!

It’s looking good and I’m very glad it’s being thought through thoroughly, great work.


As for special offers here are a few ideas.

  • Maybe team up with a coffee chain to have a built in reward card that offers a free coffee after x amount spent at said coffee chain. Could have a progress bar, then a scannable code once you unlock it.
  • I’d like to see an in app Cashback / reward function. So for certain retailers when you spend with them you’ll automatically get Cashback added to a total you can pull down to your balance. I think Apple Credit Card does this really well.

Nothing that we can get at the same (or better) price with a ten second Google search.

I would much prefer something as x months free then turns into a subscription for that service if we want it. Offering £20 off Hello Fresh when I can get that offer directly from them is not appealing.


You asked people in London about card designs? LONDON?! Not sure how I feel about that … I’m JOKING!!

This looks like a great direction!

Slightly off topic, is there any benefit for us who are still paying for Plus? Is it better to cancel now and wait for this new iteration of Plus to roll out?