You haven’t looked properly.
Or I’m not reading them as negative? Tone does get lost when commenting online
Thanks for letting us know
Rubbish. I said last week that the hype was doing them no favours, and here we are chatting about sign up flows. It’s empty and meaningless. We don’t even know what we’re going to be signing up for!
A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - October 2019
I think a number of people do come across as believeing rather too highly of their own opinions to the extent that much of the constructive content is lost through repetition week in and week out. Whinging might be a bit strong, but the repetition carries the risk of being perceived that way by some.
The fact that Monzo might dare to disagree with anyone also appears somewhat unpalatable which, again, gives a poor impression of the users concerned.
I don’t think that’s fair. The majority of people here have come to given their opinions in the hope that Monzo will get it right on their third attempt. Something we can all agree is important.
Monzo have provided little to no direct response to questions and concerns and the weekly updates are understandably very high level.
However if Monzo were to provide evidence of the research they have done, the evidence that supports their conclusions and the thoughts behind their opinions it would go a very long way to reassuring the more “negative” in the community.
Monzo repeatedly says how important the community and the feedback they provide is. Some people go to far but to criticise people for criticising Monzo is pretty pathetic.
They are building a product and asking our opinions, not needing our consent to go forward. I can’t see any reason to release data at this early stage (or any stage tbh)
There are some people who are negative about everything Monzo do and nothing is going to stop that, which is a shame.
I haven’t seen any of that, to be fair, most of the stronger feeling is on the ‘other’ side. I’ve not seen any direct criticism of the critics if you see what I mean. Equally, with the strength of feeling some project, I don’t think criticism of them would achieve anything anyway.
What’s missing all around appears to be an understanding of just what role the forum has in this reality called Monzo. The bank isn’t here to take instruction but only to seek opinions. That’s fine, in my view, but clearly that isn’t a universally held opinion.
Spot on, @Feathers. That’s the downside of a forum, unfortunately.
For those who recall it, Starling wrestled with the negativity in its early months. They took the decision to close that forum down. They didn’t have the infrastructure to finesse feedback or manage the activity. And there was clearly no sense that the bank would suffer as a result - and, as it turns out, it didn’t.
No suggestion here that this forum should close - after all it has a life of its own now.
But reality check? Certainly.
While not naming specific individuals you do (in my opinion) seem to be criticising those who are critical of or have different opinions to Monzo.
Some more recent examples…
Moving on…
No one has said that Monzo need the community’s consent to move forward, but we are perfectly within our rights to question their direction and provide challenge where we feel necessary. It’s Monzo’s choice if they want to listen or not - but they have asked for our opinions and I for one will continue to provide mine.
People (including myself) have expressed doubt over parts of the apparent new direction. I very much doubt that Monzo will release any real research data, but in my opinion it is one way that Monzo could get many of the more negative/skeptical commenters back on side. If they choose to do that or not is entirely up to them.
Fair enough, tone etc is hard to interpret from text.
I wouldn’t characterise the repeated views im talking about as criticism of Monzo so perhaps that’s where I missed your point? It’s the repetition that is somewhat disappointing to me, not the nature of the views themselves.
What I fear out of this process is Monzo actually starting to listen too closely to forum opinion such that we end up with some sort of crowdsourced monster of a packaged account that appeals to no one outside the small group that contributes here.
I chose to bank with Monzo so I want to be sure to see what Monzo come up with. I didn’t chose to bank with the Monzo forum, if you see what I mean.
(Ironically, in this specific instance, I’m actually fairly agnostic since I’ve never had, do not want and will likely never buy any form of packaged account from anyone.)
I completely agree, which I why these kind of threads/comments get blown up in the first place. This is especially prevalent in a forum where people are quite emotive about a product/company they believe in. Both positive and negative needs to be considered with a pinch of salt.
I agree, though I think people repeat themselves because they don’t feel they’re being heard. That is unfortunately the problem with this kind of forum. There are plenty of Monzo employees reading this, but very rarely do they post or reply to specific questions or feedback. To be clear, I don’t think we can expect them to respond to everything and this forum shouldn’t be confused with a direct conversation with Monzo. However, greater Monzo involvement in the conversation would always be appreciated.
Again I agree, but I do think the community has come up with some excellent suggestions (and some less so).
Going by what has been in the weekly updates so far I don’t think we’re in any danger of Monzo listening too closely to community requests.
Very much doubt that, somehow. Listening yes, but making serious long-term decisions based solely on populist opinion - not so much. T’would be a schoolboy error, methinks
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