Monzo Plus - Weekly Update 10th October 2019

I am increasingly of the opinion that ‘Monzo Plus’ needs to die quietly.

Monzo Plus is a non-product. It exists solely to take money off customers. There are now thousands of posts dedicated to it but the whole thing is, in my view, backwards. Monzo should be coming up with ideas, and pitching them at fair prices. instead, they seem to have come up with some prices, and tried to guess and what they might have to give us in return for our money. It’s pretty much doomed to fail if we continue on this route.

All this hype does Monzo no favours. There’s no way on earth that anyone’s going to come up with a genuinely new, or genuinely exciting product or service. The level of hype is such that whatever comes next will disappoint. For that reason, a new approach is required.

(Caveat: The ‘Monzo Plus’ brand might be appropriate for a package that rewards #fullmonzo customers with current account interest, higher fee-free foreign withdrawals, etc but, even then, the name is so damaged it might be time for a new one)