Monzo Plus - Small Scale Trial

I’d happily do pick and mix remembering the days to went to Woolies and got your pick and mix of the sweets you though were the best and it’s same with things you want in life you don’t want to pay for things that is irrelevant and costs you money and you can’t use them like breakdown cover cause you don’t drive and family cover when your single but then you should pay for things that you do want and one thing I had in the past was on a old Royal Bank of Scotland account was dvd rental included in the rental but today it’s not dvds we rent it’s something streamed online like Netflix’s and amazon prime etc and a metal coral monzo card would be top of my list instead of the plastic one but that’s if monzo follow revelout, N26 and curve card and introduce metal cards without preset subscription benefits that look very similar to each other and all three look similar but odd variations. I’d prefer metal coral monzo card and my own pic and mix of benefits to go along in my account subscription that helps me not just pay for same as the curve card which i already have in metal why have same benefits and pay double cause you can only use one travel insurance one lot of MasterCard world elite benefits and one lot of gadget cover so it’s better if monzo had a host of benefits you can sign up to say a set number for a set price and then you pay extra for the extra ones you choose to take out that would be better for me to manage than just take what’s offered cause I want the metal card for example

I passed out half way through reading that! :sweat_smile:


An odd price like £11 is different from £10 you see or £12.50 or £12.99 or £14.99 etc that are the norm prices using numbers for things you don’t expect makes people look twice and think more and I think this would make the offer more acceptable than a run off the mill same as everyone else on product and cost

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Very expensive compared to other banks. I use Barclays as my main account and their package is worldwide travel insurance for full family, RAC breakdown cover, overdraft up to £200, and a few others. £12.50.

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I’d be interested in Monzo Plus. If anyone has a spare invite I’d love to take a look.

It’s just a trial by Monzo at the moment, not being done on an invite basis.


And there I was, hoping that I would be your forum bromance. :slightly_frowning_face:

(On topic small print: no 'mances of any sort are currently included in Monzo Plus. This is unlikely to change :man_shrugging:)


I really don’t understand this. People are willing to pay £3 a month for a different coloured card.

Have you seen all the homeless people around these days!


The same could be said about risking money and investing into a startup bank with no guarantee of returns. Essentially gambling, when there are homeless people on the street.

I think we should refrain from making sweeping generalisations like this when you have no background information on anyone.


You got that far? I didn’t.

People are willing to do lots of things with their discretionary income after their basic needs have been met…

It’s also possible to donate money to charity & causes one cares about and spend a few quid here and there on non essential things.


£3 x 6 = £18 total for a tshirt of £19 value (looking at others in the shop), stickers maybe a couple of quid, and a card which I think costs £3 to make. So yes it is a superfan package, but it’s not a) breaking the bank or b) a big ripoff. In fact it’s cheaper than the parts separately, so it’s an inverse ripoff, a ripon if you will.


Can’t believe you missed this opportunity :see_no_evil:

Paul Rippon - Crunchbase Person Profile


Surely it’s £18 every six months, otherwise the card will stop working. Or will it?

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Oh wow, I didn’t know, kicking myself!

I was under the impression it was a fixed term then you kept the card until it expired “naturally”, but then I wasn’t presented with the offer or the smallprint myself. If the card did “die” after 6 months, they’d have to send you a new default-hot-coral one to replace your Plus one, which seems a bit wasteful. But if you did get to keep it, what card would you get as a replacement if you lost your Plus card after the 6 months? Hmm curious!


A post was split to a new topic: Removed Posts 23/02/19

You’d think so, wouldn’t you. It’s got monzo plus written on the card, so you’d assume you’d have to keep paying to maintain that status.

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Nationwide 13 pound a month , fee free overdraft upro 250 pounds , world wide family travel insurance , family mobile phone insurance and not just for upro year old phones thinks it’s up to 3 or 5 years or no ages limit , fee free on all cash withdraws and purchases abroad and car break down cover , family mobile insurance UK and abroad for mine and my kids phones alone is a good deal and would love Monzo to try that as well


And the increased international withdrawals are still less than what many other providers offer for free !

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“For free” or with an e change rate markup? Truely free is a small list I believe?