Monzo Plus - here's what's coming next!

I know it was one of the more unpopular choices at the time, but this is the one I voted for. :flushed:

Excited to see interest has been implemented! :tada:


This is amazing, I can see my Pots multiplying. Big withdrawal from Marcus coming in!


I think a lot of people might have gone for the 2.5% because it seems like a higher number, but this one I feel gives more flexibility :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d agree, especially since it includes pots.

If that was mentioned in the original question asked I think people may have voted differently.


True, so if we let the 1.5% interest on £4k in either Marcus or monzo plus cancel each other out, we’re only really missing out on £25 per year (2.5% of £1k) actually it’s less if I have that £1k in a Monzo savings pot. I’m happy to forgo that to have everything in one place.

Again my own circumstances, I know it’s not how everyone feels.

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I’d be interested if this was on the Joint Accounts. As that will be the main account which holds are monies in, I would want to have the payment from that account and have it cover both my wife and I.


I don’t have a joint account but monzo need to do some work to get plus on there sooner rather than later. I’d like to hope it was built with joint accounts etc in mind.


Am I the only one that gets this screen when trying to get the Jack Flight Club subscription?

Very pleased. Thanks Monzo.

I have emptied Marcus into Monzo :smirk:

I have also closed my interest 1.14% pot and will create a new one for 1p savings challenge.


I also voted for this option!! :tada:

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It would be great if there was confirmation the account was earning interest and this pop up would disappear on its on. I keep pressing it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


When will we get mobile phone insurance & Metal cards ?

In their latest blog (as well as in this forum under the interest for main account for plus members) they say that they’re hoping to get it out by the end of the summer :slight_smile:

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Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

When will we get mobile phone insurance & Metal cards ?

Yes I am seeing this also myself on Android

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So the rewards that give you a generic code, such as the hello fresh reward - surely anyone could use that as the merchant won’t be able to see who’s Monzo and who’s not?


There’s a deeplink floating around in the Android teardowns topic and as of last week it was accessible to anyone…

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I saw that, so it makes it pointless to have Monzo plus if most of the key features of it are accessible by all in one way or another

That’s very true. They should link it to the card itself then the merchant would have to check if it’s a Plus card or not before applying the discount. Not familiar with payments processing so not sure how feasible this would be