Monzo Plus - here's what's coming next!

So my originally point was - is the NatWest card thicker? It feels more solid than a Monzo card.

Wouldn’t that cause problems with ATMs if the card was thicker?

Well that’s what I thought but it’s absolutely thicker feeling and less bendy than my Monzo card. The same is true of most of my legacy account cards.

I suppose it’s like metal cards - they will be thicker possibly but still work in ATM’s.

That’s interesting to know. Maybe that 0.1mm makes all the difference in the quality stakes

Is it thicker than the Monzo card including the embossed numbers ?

Yeah - honestly just trying to bend them feels much better quality in the Natwest one.

Or my Amex.

I don’t know why but there is a definite difference between Monzo and legacy cards.

Maybe I’ve missed it but are there any more updates on when the next invites will be sent out?

Might be an obviously answer to this - but could they be made out of a different sort of plastic? Maybe one that is stronger - hence the feeling of it being thicker/ less bendy?

Much more likely.

Either way, I prefer that plastic.

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Queue a new thread for “Natwest Plastic Monzo Cards” in 3… 2… 1…

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Haha rest assured I won’t be.

But there is something about just slightly improving the quality that could make the branding look a lot better and feel a lot better.


The Monzo standard card has always felt a little thin/bendy/flimsy - It’s not a massive issue when taken in isolation, but when you compare it to a decent card (the Barclays Gemalto cards are a good example), it makes Monzo look and feel a little cheap.

It’s clearly a cost cutting exercise IMO, and it’s hard to argue with that, when so many people won’t care or even notice…

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Definitely agree - I think the difficulty might be that as I’ve seen before Monzo have certain distributors/manufacturers that develop their cards (hence some slight differences) so the first port of call I guess would be to centralise that process and have the same card developed everywhere and then look to improve.

But yeah the Monzo card isn’t the best but then again the “best” cards seem to come from packaged/ paid for accounts so I guess that is where some of the payments go to.

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Updates on the future of Monzo Plus would be nice also…


I agree. just some rough time lines for certain features would be nice

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I still don’t have the Plus menu in the profile page (it’s disappeared). Does this mean I’m not going to get an invite to Plus? I have requested an invite when Plus was first launched.


Are you looking at your profile within a Personal Account or a Joint Account?
(Plus information doesn’t show in your profile when you are in a Joint Account, despite ‘you’ being the same person!)

Is there going to be a live stream of tonight’s even as I can no longer make it ? :slight_smile:

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Compared with the Starling crad the monzo feels significantly better. Have no faults with the Monzo plastic card. Would not want it any thicker as it’s on par with Barclays etc.
Not impressed with the plastic Starling though.

Personal. I thought that might be the case, but double checked and alas no luck